The List


Writing Prompts and Challenges

I am not claiming ownership of all of these ideas, in fact I have been collecting prompts for years from different sources as well as finding block-breaking tasks for myself. Some are simple writing prompts, some challenges of technical writing and others are just fun ideas to play with. I do not expect anyone to work their way through them all in a specific order, but rather dip in randomly and explore the writing challenges that you pick.

Nb. Some of these are deliberately repeated ideas to increase the practice of particular skills and techniques.


1.       Space [Technical]

Write a short, themed poem about space.


2.      The Forest [Technical]

Write a short, themed poem about a forest.


3.      Scrambler [Technical/Challenge]

Copy down the SECOND sentence from 3 random non-fiction texts. Using only the words from those sentences, create one paragraph that makes sense.


4.      The Sea [Technical]

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Write a short, themed poem about the sea.


5.      Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped forward in time to the year 2500 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.


6.      Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped forward in time to the year 4000 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.


7.       Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped back in time to the year 1965 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.

8.      Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped back in time to the year 1855 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.


9.      Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped forward in time to the year 2100 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.


10.   River Crossing [Technical]

Two characters meet on the bank of a river. With dialogue only, show how the characters work together to cross the river.


11.    Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped back in time to the year 1925 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.


12.   Juxtapose [Technical]

Describe a character who combines 2 opposite ideas.


13.   Complainer [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a speech complaining about something minor that bothers you occasionally, make it over the top something hugely upsetting. THEN, write a counter-argument.


14.   Time Traveller [Descriptive]

You have stepped back in time to the year 1205 for 1 minute. Describe what you can see and hear.


15.   The Vessel [Prompt]

Describe part of a journey on a ship.


16.   Stream of Consciousness [Technical]

Keep writing for 5 minutes without looking back.

17.   Sticky [Descriptive]

Write about an experience with something sticky.


18.   Random Title [Challenge]

Pick two random words from the dictionary. Create a short story or poem inspired by these words.


19.   Place of Safety [Descriptive]

Describe your childhood room or a place you feel safe.


20.  Smell-A-Vision [Descriptive]

Describe a place using only the sense of smell.


21.   Rude [Prompt]

Somebody cuts in line or takes your place. Describe the scene.


22.  Potion [Descriptive/Instructive]

Design a magic potion. What does it do? What are the ingredients? How is it made?


23.  Dollhouse [Descriptive]

Describe life from within a dollhouse.

24.  Rooftop [Descriptive]

Write 2-3 paragraphs beginning with. “The view from the top…”


25.  Underwater [Descriptive]

Describe an underwater environment.


26.  Silly Sports [Instructive]

Create a ridiculous sport. How is it played? What are the rules?


27.   Spice [Descriptive]

Describe a time when you ate some really spicy food.


28.  Green Grass [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a speech beginning with, “The grass is greener…”


29.  Heirloom [Descriptive]

Describe a family heirloom that has been passed down the generations OR something that you would like your children to treasure.


30.  Trukkin [Prompt]

Describe a day from the POV of a rubbish truck.


31.   City Mouse [Prompt]

Describe the experience of a city-born character’s first trip to the country.


32.  Fairy-tale Retold [Prompt]

Re-write a fairy-tale OR create one of your own.


33.  Suitcase [Descriptive]

Describe the contents of a suitcase.


34.  Stray [Descriptive]

Describe something from the POV of a stray cat or dog.

35.  Rhyme and No Reason [Technical]

List 10-20 words that rhyme and use them to create a nonsense poem that has a strict rhyme scheme.


36.  Miracles [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a speech beginning with, “Little daily miracles…”


37.   Country Mouse [Descriptive]

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Describe the experience of a country-born character’s first trip to the city.


38.  What’s in the Box? [Descriptive]

Write a description of a mystery something in a box.


39.  Peg It [Instructive]

Explain to an alien how to use a clothes peg.


40.  Outcast [Descriptive]

Write a description of someone who has been outcast from society.


41.   I Believe [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a speech beginning with, “I believe…”


42.  Alarm Clock [Descriptive]

Describe the scene after your alarm clock goes off.


43.  Stormy Night [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about a storm.


44.  Rainfall [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about the rain.


45.  Shining Bright [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about a sunny day.


46.  Windy Day [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about a windy day.


47.   Doppelganger [Prompt]

You meet your double on a random street. Write a narrative about the event.


48.  Dear Diary [Prompt]

Write a diary entry for yourself in 5, 10 or 25 years time.


49.  What? [Prompt]

Write a short narrative beginning with, “What?”


50.  Colourist [Prompt]

Write a short narrative beginning with, “I said orange…”


51.   Food, Glorious Food [Prompt]

Write a description of your favourite food or best ever meal.


52.  First Sight [Prompt]

Describe the first time two people meet each other’s eyes.


53.  Fear Itself [Prompt]

Describe confronting your greatest fear.


54.  Smog, Fog and Haze [Descriptive]

Write a description of a place shrouded in mist or fog.


55.   Dream-Catcher [Prompt]

Write a description of a dream.

56.  Here Be Dragons [Descriptive]

Describe a dragon.


57.   A Closed Door [Descriptive]

Write a description of something beyond a closed door.


58.  +59 Build a Paragraph – Time [Technical]

A year ago…

A month ago…

A day ago…



60.  +61 Build a Paragraph – Distance [Technical]






62.  +63 Build a Paragraph – Closer [Technical]





64.  Sunrise/Sunset [Descriptive]

Write a description of a sunrise and/or sunset.


65.  Warehouse [Descriptive]

Describe exploring a warehouse.


66.  Puzzler [Descriptive]

Write about a time that you solved a puzzle.

67.  Pi Writing [Challenge]

3.1415926539589793238462643383279502884197 (This is Pi to 40 decimal places) Write a paragraph, narrative or dialogue, using the number of letters indicated above.


68.  Seasonal [Descriptive]

Describe a place in each of the seasons.

69.  Oulipo [Challenge]

Flick back in your book to a writing task. Re-write 1-2 paragraphs replacing all NOUNS with a word 7 along in the dictionary.


70.  Childhood [Descriptive]

Describe a pair of your childhood shoes, what memories do they evoke?


71.   The City [Technical]

Write a short poem about the city.


72.   Almost Magic [Prompt]

Write a narrative about someone who has an ability that is almost magic.


73.   Train Journey [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about a train journey.


74.   Dialogue Expander [Technical]

Beginning with “I can’t”, add more dialogue and detail, changing the meaning each time until you have 5-6 versions of expanded dialogue. Pick one option and write a reply.

75.   Dialogue Expander [Technical]

Beginning with “I would never do that”, add more dialogue and detail, changing the meaning each time until you have 5-6 versions of expanded dialogue. Pick one option and write a reply.


76.  Interior Monologue [Technical]

Write the interior monologue of someone going shopping.


77.   Family Numbers [Technical/Challenge]

Describe a member of your family using the same number of words as their age. Start with a grandparent, you should be able to draw a picture with 60-80 words, then try one of your parents. CHALLENGE – Try a younger sibling or a baby. Can you describe someone in 1-2 words?


78.  The Garden [Technical]

Write a short poem themed around a garden.


79.  Extremes of You [Technical]

List your own personal characteristics. Pick one and write a description of a character who takes it to extreme.


80. Show, Don’t Tell [Technical]

Describe a character through action and narration.


81.   The Long and the Short [Technical]

The length of your sentences determines the pace of your writing. First, describe an event using sentences of no more than 5 words. Re-describe the event using sentences of more than 6 words.


82.  Random Places [Descriptive]

Pick up a random non-fiction text and write down the first PROPER NOUN you find. This is the name of a place. Describe it in as much detail as you can.


83.  The Workshop [Technical]

Write a short, themed poem about a workshop.


84.  The Station [Technical]

Write a short poem on the theme of the Station.


85.  +86 Build a Paragraph – Above/Below [Technical]

Above me…

Below me…

Above me…

Below me…


87.  +88 Build a Paragraph – Action and Description [Technical]

Write Action first, then Description.


89.  +90 Build a Paragraph – No, but [Technical]




But there was…


91.   +92 Build a Paragraph – Describe and Reveal [Technical]

Describe an object in detail, then Reveal it.


93.  +94 Build a Paragraph – History [Technical]

Describe an Object.

Describe its History.

Add More Description.


95.  +96 Build a Paragraph – Links [Technical]

Describe Object 1.

Describe Object 2.

Describe Object 3.

Describe Object 4.

What is the link between them?


97.  +98 Build a Paragraph – Past and Present [Technical]

Describe how it used to be.

Describe it now.


99.  +100 Build a Paragraph – Personification [Technical]

Personify an object with character and actions, then reveal the truth.


101.         +102 Build a Paragraph – Think/Feel/See [Technical]

What are you thinking?

What are you feeling? What are you seeing?


103.        +104 Build a Paragraph – Outside/Inside [Technical]

A character stands in a doorway.

Describe the outside.

Describe the inside.

Describe the outside.


105.        +106 Build a Paragraph – Zoom In [Technical]

Write a description gradually zooming in closer.


107.         +108 Build a Paragraph – Sounds [Technical]

Describe 4 sounds before revealing the scene.


109.        +110 Build a Paragraph – Zoom Out [Technical]

Write a description gradually zooming out.


111. Outside [Descriptive]

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Write a description of what you can see through a window.


112.          Smile [Descriptive]

Describe a character smiling. What are they smiling at? What do they look like when they smile? Do they smile with their eyes?


113.          Face It [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “What’s wrong with your face?”


114.          Turkey? [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Put the turkey down…”

115.          Profile [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “You look different from your profile pic…”


116.          Abducted [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “I didn’t ask to be abducted…”

117.Thief [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a thief who accidentally steals important documents.


118.         Awkward [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who accidentally hugs a stranger.


119.          I haven’t [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “I haven’t tried this on a human yet, but it should work…”


120.        Trust [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Do you trust me?”


121.          Hunting [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “I know you’re here. You may as well show yourself…”


122.         Manager [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “You are speaking to the manager…”


123.         Advert Response [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Hi, I’m calling about your ad…”


124.         Invasion [Prompt]

Write a narrative about an alien invasion.

125.         A Tree Sees [Prompt]

Write a narrative from the POV of a tree.


126.         Dude! [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Dude! It’s three in the morning…!”


127.         Re-Waking [Prompt]

Write a narrative about someone who keeps waking from a dream. How odd can each dream get before he wakes? How does he realise that he’s dreaming?


128.        Mountain View [Descriptive]

Write a narrative from the POV of a mountain.


129.         Leader’s Discussion [Persuasive]

Write the transcript of a phone call between the Prime Minister and the President of the USA.


130.        River View [Descriptive]

Write a narrative from the POV of a river.


131.          A Chef’s View [Descriptive]

Write a narrative from the POV of a chef.


132.         Blocked [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a writer who’s suffering from Writer’s Block.


133.         Purple? [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Why is he purple?”


134.         She Hurried [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “She hurried down the path. She had to get away…”

135.         One Sentence [Technical]

Describe a room in one long sentence, adding clause after clause with appropriate conjunctions and punctuation.


136.         Oranges and Lemons [Descriptive]

You are in charge of introducing an alien to human foods – which it cannot eat. Describe an orange and/or lemon to this alien.


137.         Bling [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Ug! I still have glitter all over me…”


138.        Allies? [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a soldier who cares for an injured man only to realise that he is the enemy.

139.         Travelling Music [Technical]

Describe an old man or woman who is woken from sleep by a song they remember from their youth.


140.        Wings [Prompt]

A character wakes in the night because of an itchy back and discovers they’ve grown a pair of wings.


141.          Liar [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “I’m not mad at you for lying. I’m angry at you for being so bad at it…”


142.         Teacher Teaching [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character teaching someone a new skill.


143.         Postal Service [Prompt]

A letter arrives.


144.         Dunsinane [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character travelling through a wood when the trees begin to move.


145.         Imaginary [Prompt]

Write a narrative from the POV of a child’s imaginary friend.


146.         A Visitor [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a surprise visitor.


147.         Lock-In (1) [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character accidentally locked inside a school overnight.


148.        Uber Conversation [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a journey in an Uber.


149.         Lock-In (2) [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character accidentally locked inside a shopping centre overnight.


150.        Travelling (2) [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character as they step onto a plane, ship or train.


151.          Unfriend [Persuasive/Speech]

In a future world ‘Unfriending’ means that you will be exiled from society. You are in court, write your argument against being ‘Unfriended.’


152.         What’s Your Name? [Prompt]

Rearrange the letters of your name to create a character name. Produce a character profile for them, then create a second character. What happens when they meet?


153.         Four-Line Poem [Technical]

Pick an emotion – Anger, Love, Confusion, Grief, Depression, Happiness, Contentment. Write a 4-Line Poem. Line 1 – Colour?, Line 2 – Texture/feeling?, Line 3 – Sound, Line 4 – Causes. Then add another verse, Movement, Action, Strength and experience.


154.         Basement Boo [Descriptive]

Write a narrative or story about being in a creepy basement.


155.         Swinging in no wind [Prompt]

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Write a narrative about a playground swing that is swinging with no wind.


156.         Backwards [Prompt]

Write a narrative from the POV of a character who is travelling backward in time.


157.         The Zoo [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a zoo keeper for magical creatures.


158.         Words from Beyond [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who receives text messages from the dead.


159.         The Princess (1) [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a princess left behind when her father goes to war.


160.        Tavern Tales [Prompt]

Write a narrative from the POV of the landlord of a tavern in a magical world.


161.          Smelling Happy [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a man who can smell emotions.


162.         Marketplace [Prompt]

Write a narrative about someone whopping at a magical marketplace.


163.         Phantom Hand [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a man with a doner hand that acts on its own.


164.         First Contact [Prompt]

Write a narrative about our first contact with an alien race.


165.         The Princess (2) [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a man sent to kidnap a princess.


166.         Reincarnation [Prompt]

Write a narrative about someone who can remember their past lives.


167.         Bully [Persuasive/Speech]

An online comment you have written has become part of an online bullying court case. Write a statement to the court explaining what you wrote, why and how you feel about it now.


168.        Vending Needs [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a vending machine that dispenses what you need.


169.         I Thought [Prompt]

Write a narrative starting with, “I thought you had him…”


170.         Hearing Text [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who can hear text messages. That are sent around him.


171.Negotiator [Persuasive/Speech]

You have been chosen to negotiate a deal with an alien species. Decide what you think the Earth needs, and what it is willing to trade then write your speech to the aliens describing what you have to offer and why they should accept it.


172.         Aged Tree [Technical]

Describe an elderly person by comparing them to an ancient tree or mountain over a few sentences.


173.         For a Cause [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a ghost who died for a cause and now regrets it.


174.         Time Traveller [Prompt]

A time traveller needs your help.


175.         Breakout [Prompt]

Write a narrative about an innocent man trying to break out of prison.


176.         No E [Challenge]

Describe a place without using the letter E.


177.         Blue Man [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with “The Blue Man woke up, blinked twice and said…”


178.         Lender [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Could you lend me £10?”


179.         The Cure [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a speech to persuade people to let you out of quarantine.


180.        Random Title [Prompt]

Take a dictionary and pick a random pair of words – one adjective, one noun. This is the title of your story, plan it. Now write the opening paragraph.


181.         Rollercoaster [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about characters stuck on a malfunctioning amusement park ride.


182.        What’s in a name? [Descriptive]

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Write down every name you have ever been called – at least 10. Pick one, how does it make you feel? Do you hate/like it? Does it fit you? Pick the one that is least like you and create a character to fit.


183.        Acrostic [Technical/Descriptive]

Write an acrostic that describes yourself.


184.        Three Words [Technical]

Pick a random resource, or book and write down the 3rd, 18th and 28th words. Write a narrative that uses the three words in order.


185.         New House [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character moving in to a new house.


186.        Tongue Twister [Technical]

Pick your own phonic sound and create a 2-line tongue twister that makes sense.


187.         In the Midst [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character in the midst of a disaster.


188.        Travelling (1) [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character as they step off a plane, ship or train.


189.        Marie Celeste [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who comes across an empty boat in the middle of an ocean.

190.        The Gallery [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character walking through an art gallery when the portraits seem to change on their own.


191.          Stolen Bride [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a bride abducted on her way to her wedding.


192.         Small and Fluffy [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who carries their pet in their pocket.


193.         Shrunken Head [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who is shrunk in size in order to repair something from the inside.


194.         Soaring Sight [Descriptive]

Write a narrative from the POV of a bird.


195.         Alarming [Prompt]

A burglar alarm goes off in the middle of the night…


196.         This Place [Descriptive]

Think about a place, anywhere you like. Write a description of this place as if you were trapped and terrified. Now, describe this place as if it is a place of sanctuary where you feel safe.


197.         Underground [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a baby abandoned on the Underground.


198.        Chain of Lies [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who must keep lying to stop their lies being discovered.


199.         Not a Dream [Prompt]

Write a narrative about someone who wakes up and finds he’s been transformed into a magical creature.


200.       One Leg [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character adjusting to life after losing a leg.

201.        It’s a Date [Prompt]

Write a narrative about two characters who come together for a meeting that was arranged ten years ago.


202.       Social Media [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a social media star who fakes serious illness for likes.


203.       The Ages [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a narrative from the POV of an immortal.


204.       Who Gives? [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a woman looking for her estranged father to give her away at her wedding.


205.        Spillage [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who spills a drink or breaks a glass.

206.       Wrong Room [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who steps into the wrong meeting, classroom or funeral.


207.        Pygmalion [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a statue that comes to life.


208.       Emergency Landing [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a pilot making an emergency landing.


209.       A Free Man [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a man released from prison.


210.        Wedding Bells [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a medieval teenager who is being forced to marry a middle-aged man.


211.          Family Secrets [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who has discovered something odd about their parents.


212.         Passages [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who discovers a secret passage.


213.         Send Regrets [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who accidentally sends an E-Mail to the wrong person.


214.         School Reunion [Prompt]

Write a narrative about your school reunion in 20 years’ time.


215.         Lifted [Prompt]

Write a narrative about two characters stuck in a lift.


216.         Quiz [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a competitor on a quiz show.


217.         Mr Eccentric [Prompt]

Write a narrative about an eccentric new teacher.


218.        Oops [Prompt]

Write a narrative beginning with, “Careful not to break the… oh…”


219.         I-Scream [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a persuasive argument for your favourite ice cream flavour. What makes this one better than others?


220.       Colourism [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a persuasive argument for your favourite colour. Be specific. What does this colour remind you of?


221.         Sandwich King [Persuasive/Speech]

Write a persuasive argument for your favourite sandwich filling. Why is it the best? What does it taste/feel like to eat?


222.        It’s Like… [Technical]

Write a description of an object using metaphor and simile only.


223.        The Painting [Prompt]

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Write a short narrative from the POV of a canvas/painting. How does it feel about becoming art? How does it feel about the artist and his process?

224.        Inventor/Invention [Technical]

Write a narrative that compares and contrasts an inventor and his invention.


225.        Musical Memories [Technical]

Music links to many memories in the mind, particularly in older people. Write a narrative about a grandmother with a childhood memory sparked by music.


226.        Four-Legs and Two-Legs [Prompt/Dialogue]

When you have a pet cat and a dog they sometimes sit together almost as if they’re talking… Write a narrative about a discussion between a dog and a cat.


227.        Good Doggo [Prompt]

We regularly attribute certain characteristics to our pets, often giving them a voice. Write from the POV of a dog. What is his character? What is his voice?


228.       Cat’s Eye [Prompt]

Even your cuddliest pet cat is still partly wild. Write a narrative from the POV of a pet cat. What does a cat think about people? What is its character?


229.    Magical Helper [Prompt]

What do Santa’s helpers do after work? Write a narrative about magical helpers in their down-time.


230.       Late Night Librarian [Prompt]

Describe midnight in a library.

231.         Polar Opposites [Technical]

Create a character with a contradiction, then write two narratives, one from the outside, one from the character’s POV.

232.        Lie Detector [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who can see a lie.


233.        Garden View [Technical]

Describe a family by comparing them to their garden through the seasons.


234.        Prankster [Prompt]

Write a narrative about a character who plays a prank.


235.        Steal a Start [Prompt]

Pick a random fiction book. Copy out the first line. Write the first 5 paragraphs of a new story.


236.        Steal a Finish [Prompt]

Pick a random fiction book. Copy out the last line. And write the first 5 paragraphs of a new story.


237.        A Mile in His Shoes [Descriptive]

Create a character from a pair of shoes.


238.        One Small Step [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about a character’s first step on an alien planet.


239.        Ad Men [Persuade]

Write a Radio/TV ad for a random product.


240.       How? [Instructive]

Explain how [technology] works to a 5-year-old.


241.         Genre-Jumping [Technical]

Take a previous CW piece and change each paragraph into a new genre.


242.        House [Technical]

Describe a family through their house.

243.        Eavesdrop [Technical]

Describe a phone call with only one side of the conversation and action.


244.        Building Chaos [Persuade]

Argue for a council building project.


245.        Bee Personify [Technical]

Write a narrative from the POV of a bee.


246.        Thirst [Descriptive]

Write a narrative about a character who is thirsty.


247.        Marching Beat [Technical]

Write a poem in couplets of iambic pentameter.


248.       Rolling Conversation [Technical]

Write a pantoum about conversations overheard on a train.


249.        Twit [Challenge]

Write a narrative in tweets.


250.        Old Fashioned [Persuade]

Write a speech against something old.


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